Mike, Lea and Nicolle were over to do some more wall assembling, and to do the next step before framing can happen: setting up a tarp. This will protect the wood from water damage from rain that may happen before the roof is complete, as that will be a process we cannot possibly do all in one day, and New England means rain. Well, what we have to work with are our “regular” house’s deck and one tree. We are going to create something akin to a carport. Because there aren’t a lot of place to tie a tarp, we’ll be creating a support arch for the bow side of the Tiny House out of PVC and rebar, according to Mike’s experience. More on that to come!

Looks good! How do you like the trailer so far? I thought at first it was a Tumbleweed, but I see it's a B Wise? My husband and I are looking to research trailers for our build next year.
Thank you, Chris! The trailer is working well so far. We got it through the Tumbleweed website. Perhaps the Tumbleweed people outsource the local (East Coast) build requests to B Wise; I'm not even sure what the relationship is.
Also, I poked at your website and I was thinking that it's very exciting that you plan to build a tiny house, and great that you're planning this far in advance, but your timeline is really tight! Make sure that everything that needs to be special-ordered really happens before it is needed. Lesson learned for us is that many materials need to be special-ordered, and if it is a key item, you may have to hold up construction progress while you wait for it to arrive, which can take weeks. Best of luck!