Specifically, with ext3 support.
Continue reading “Linux tip: making an initial ramdisk (initrd)”
Month: November 2003
Too cool

Rebel tagging a trolley car with a razor
Lunar Eclipse
The Cost of Cellphone Portability
Now that the government has (wisely) told cell phone carriers that they must allow customers to keep their numbers when they change companies, the carriers have decided the best way to make the best of a bad situation is to charge their customers fees in case they switch. In other words, as long as you don’t switch carriers, you will be charged a monthly fee to pay for the people who do switch. So the longer you stay with your carrier, the more fees you pay.
Note that this does not hold with all carriers. T-Mobile, for instance, isn’t charging a cent. And with others it varies by state. But you could be paying $0.32 – $2.83 for the right to change your number. Check your bill for exact amounts, and check the link for what other people are paying.
City at night

Oh yeah

New plastikman, first since 98.

Kill me now, downtown crossing station is now 100percent ipod ads
yak yak yak

Number of people on phones in my gate: 7 out of 21 counting me sending this
Dreary dreary

Flying out of wisconsin go the rain. Char already has tickets for thanksgiving, so it won’t be long before we can see each other again. Yay!
I tried to send these on the actual night, but madison’s gsm coverage didn’t work with my phone’s internet settings.