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November 21, 2002: Grab Bag

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I was afraid that when I left Madison I'd never see another rice car again. AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH

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Here's a pic from october I forgot to upload. Cancer indeed

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fog is so easy it should be considered cheating

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This is the first time I ever had to retouch a photo in any way. Some digital photo people like to take twenty photos from a tripod of the same thing and photoshop them together to make something they simply couldn't take with a digital camera. Other people edit so much shit out of their photos you can't really call it photography. I dunno. This one had a twig in the way, and I brushed it out. I don't feel like I changed anything intrinsic.

not soon enough: Some shots of Tokyo

Well I did take a whole lot of pictures when I was in Japan, but as yet I haven't really bothered to scan them all. Or really any of them. But there was a photo thread on something awful, and I decided to post a couple of my telephone pole shots. Tokyo, and Japan in general, has some of the most ridiculous telephone poles you've ever seen. It seems they just throw up any wire they please, whether it's needed or not. Anyway, I thought it would be good fodder for ARTSY PHOTOS!

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sunset: Outside Staples

Char and I went to get resume paper. I took this outside. Not great for composition or anything.

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